Our aims to provide the greatest quality professional security services by delivering optional excellence in order to exceed our clients' expectations. Every day to protect and assist clients, communities, and people.
During world war II, Home Guards - a Voluntary Citizens' Organization for local defence was raised in the United Kingdom. In India, Home Guards were raised in Bombay in December, 1946 to assist police in controlling civil disturbances and communal riots. Later, this concept of a voluntary citizens force as auxiliary to the Police for maintenance of law and order for meeting emergencies like floods, fires, famines etc was adopted by several other states. During Chinese aggression in 1962, the Government of India, advised the States and Union territories to merge their existing voluntary organizations into one All India force known as "Home Guards" which would be voluntary both in concept and character with the motto "Nishkam Seva" i.c. "Selfless Service" to the community.
Home Guards Men Vacancy | 1 |
Home Guards Women Vacancy | 0 |
TOTAL | 1 |
We provide improve internal processes that ultimately lead to improved performance of our personnel and in turn, positively impact our customers.
To have Functional units to provide essential services such as motor transport, pioneer and engineer groups fire bridges, nursing and first - aid,operation of water & Power etc.
To participate in welfare activities such as adult education, health and hygiene, development schemes and such oth- er tasks as are deemed useful.